Friday 8 March 2013


Meetings are imortant to production because it gets all the group together to discuss there thoughts and points of view on each part that goes on throughout the thriller film therefore, this makes each member of the group feel like they have had there say in a particular part. By everyone expressing there points of view the group gets a broader idea of what to include it also makes it easier to produce the thriller at the end of it through the planning that took place.

In my opinion my group could have worked harder with this because there was some people within the group willing to work harder than the others which made it harder overall. The group came up with a good idea for the thriller and i think we presented it well. Everyone also worked hard during the filming of the thriller.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Individual storyboard

All the group conducted our own Storyboards we then came together and saw how each member of the group planed our thriller and how they thought it should go in there eyes. We then used parts of each members in the groups ideas so that no one would feel left out and that everyone had a valid idea. The part the group choose from my individual storyboard was that of a stalker and causin pain to the girls.

Group storyboard

The group storyboards were important because they helped us plan our thriller, we plotted each scene and wrote it down so that we wouldnt forget what was happening and when it came down to the filming part we looked at our group storyboard and saw what we had writen down and acted out each scene as we had planed it.

As a group we did make a few changes at the start we thought of the girls doing the oouiji board and because of that things started to go wrong for them and a ghost would come out the oouiji board and haunt them and play tricks on them. We then thought of calling our producion parnormal sleepover where the girls were having a sleepover and they suddenly rember they saw a man looking at them weirdly and then the next day they see his photo in the paper sayin MASS MURDERER on the loose this is when the girls start to worry and when they walk into the living room the name of the Mass murderer is written out with paper. Eventually we decided to change both of them and go with our finished idea.

Vox pops

Our group decided to do a vox pop because we thought it would prepare us for when we made our real thriller film. It helped us get a sense of what the audience would like in a thriller film and there views on it.

* interviews *

By doin the vox pop it has helped us to identify what target audience we should be aiming our thriller at. We interviwed two 15 year olds one 17 year old and one 18 year old we did this so we cold get a range of answers and see what the general public would want.

Some of the questions we asked were:
  • How old are you
  • Within a thriller film what would you see as your prefered age certificate
  • What setting within a triller film would you say is most effective
  • Do you like thriller films

We asked these questions to see what age certificate would most people like to see within a thriller film. With the results that we collected it was even beetween what sound works best in a thriller film and they were Horror, suspense and tension building sounds. The results we got from which age certificate was best was that most people said 15 and the other person said 18. The vox pops helped our group choose which age certificiate we should aim our thriller film at.

Monday 3 December 2012

Planning Sound Track

Sounds are used in thriller films to create tension and to add an atmosphere to the surroundings because usually Thriller films tend to be adrenaline rushing, gritty, rousing and fast-paced.

This is the first sound we used in our thriller we used it because we thought it would fit in well with our thriller because it has a good backing sound and it sounds eery it will leave the viewers on the edge of their seats and make them think what is going on. This is conventional to a thriller film because by using this sound it will make it seem suspensful in the eyes of the viewers and will make them want to watch more. We used this sound when Tayler is looking through his past victims and when he is following kate into Brittanys house.

Also in our thriller we used Digetic sound this is sound which is part of the film world e.g. dialougue we used this when the two girls were havin a conversation in our thriller. Another sound we used was on screen sound this is where you can see where the sound is coming from we used this when Tayler was heavy breathing when he was walking and following kate

This sound that we used was put in to create a tense atmosphere it does that through it having some thick string sounds. We used it when the girls were playing the wigi board on the floor and things started to go wrong for them by using this makes the audience get more into the thriller and start to feel a little scared and paranoid because they dont know what is going to happen to the girls. This sound is conventional to a thriller film because it creates alot of suspense and a tense atmosphere throughout.

Monday 26 November 2012

Planning editing style

Editing is essential in any film as edits are the device that makes the film or the genre it is, or puts more emphasis on the genre as certain types of genres use certain edits more than others to achieve desired affects.The length of each shot determines the pace of the film and helps determine the mood.

The first editing style that my group will use will be "Slow Editing". Slow editing is when clips are juxtaposed together at a slower pace and this is used to create suspense. We are going to use this to prolong the scene and create tension for the viewers. By using Slow Editing it allows the action from the thriller to take its time to be revealed and creates a dramatic effect. It is conventional to a thriller film because it creates suspense for the viewer and makes the scene seem scary from the build up of tension.

We will also use "linking shots" this is where a number of shots are linked together to add emotional impact. We are going to use this because we think by linking shots together it will create a tense atmosphere and will leave the viewer on the edge of there seat thinking of what is going to happen next. This is conventional to a thriller because it brings one scene into another which makes the thriller flow and make sense.

Another shot we will use is "jump cut" this is when the film suddenly focuses on something else. We are going to use this shot to shock the viewers and to make them get in to the thriller more by keeping them on edge. By using the Jump cut it goes from one part of the thriller to another to create tension and suspense. It leaves the viewer thinking what has just happened and wanting them to watch more. It is conventional to a thriller film because it is not just focusing on one scene it focuses on another one which therefore, makes it seem more real and makes you think that the things going on are actually happening.

The last shot we will use is "Shot reverse shot" this is mostly used in films where a conversation is taking place and it is when one shot quickly follows another. We are going to use this because there is a conversation in our thriller movie and we think this shot will work well with our thriller. By there being a conversation in our thriller when we use the Shot reverse shot we can have both the characters talking within the same frame therefore, it all blends in together.It is conventional to a thriller film because it makes the conversation  going on work within the Thriller and it makes the viewers think what is going to happen next.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Opening credits

The purpose of having opening credits is that it shows the audience who is in the film such as the actors and who the director is off the film. Credits also help the audience to get a better image of what genre the films going to be.

Opening to se7en

The colours used in the opening of se7en are mostly black which builds up the suspense and then the white film credits contrasts the mood of the audience because white represents purity there also is a little bit of red to suggest blood and murder which creates tension and represents danger.

The style of the credits are small and flickery and sometimes get bigger to emphasise the atmosphere of the film. The flickeryness of the credits builds the suspense within the film and by doing this relates to a thriller. The generic conventions of a thriller film are the eery dark colours and the enigma to who the character is in the opening credits and the digetic sound when the writing is being written and when it is getting blacked out. Also the background music is slow eery creating the conventions of a thriller.

Order of appearance

Arnold Kopelson production
Film by David Fincher
Actors- Brad Pitt
Morgan Freeman
Gweneth Paltrow
Richard Roundtree
John McGinley
Casting by- Billy Hopkins, Suzanne Smith, Kerry Borden
Music by- Howard shore
costumes designed by - Michael kaplan
edited by - richard francis bruce
Production designed by - Arthur Max
Co Producers- stephen brown, nana greenwald, sanford panich
Written by - andrew kevin walker
Produced by Arnold Kopelson , Phyllis Carlyle
Directed by - David fincher

The Sixth sense opening scene

The colours used in the opening of The Sixth sense were black and white. The black and white contrast each other because the black is used to create suspense and to leave the viewer on the edge of there seat waiting for the film to start where as white is a Sign of purity and innocence therefore they work well together because the viewer doesn't know what to expect.

The style of the credits are in a plain white font and when they go into a new credit a different effect is used each time this is used to keep the viewers thinking all the time about the film. This is used to create an every nature to the thriller.

Order of appearance

Hollywood Productions - Production company
Spyglass entertainment - Production company
Bruce Willis - Actor
Hayley Joel Osment - Actress